
Our Executive Team

BCH CEO Jan Child 2024

Chief Executive Officer | Jan Child

Reg. Nurse, Grad. Dip. Behavioural Science, Master Public Health, GAICD

Jan is a Registered Nurse with post graduate qualifications in behavioural sciences, health administration and a Masters in Public Health.  She is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and a surveyor with the Australian Council of Healthcare Services.  She has more than 30 years' experience in public health, having trained in rural western Victoria and then worked across metropolitan Melbourne including at Peninsula Health, Alfred Health, the Department of Health and Human Services, alcohol and drug agencies and the community health sector.  Jan was appointed as Chief Executive Officer in September 2016 following a six month interim role commencing in March 2016.

Christine Henderson

Executive Director of People & Culture and Acute Clinical Services | Christine Henderson

Reg Nurse, Grad Dip Renal Nursing, Grad Cert Infection Prevention & Control

Chris is a Registered Nurse with post graduate qualifications in infection control and renal nursing. Chris has more than 25 years’ experience in the health care sector.  She has served in various leadership roles within BCH. She was appointed to the role of Executive Director of Clinical Services in January 2021 and is currently the Executive Director of People and Culture, and Acute Clinical Services.

Emilia Pezzie

Executive Director of Quality, Health Information and Technology | Emilia Pezzi

Bachelor of Health Information Management

Emilia holds a Bachelor of Health Information Management with over 20 years’ experience in providing strategic leadership and governance in public and private health services including Peninsula Health, Eastern Health and St Vincent’s and Mercy Private Hospital. 

She is a member of the Health Information Management Association of Australia and has been the Convenor of the Victorian Senior HIM Community of Practice for the past 7 years. 

She has had extensive management and collaboration experience with all levels of health service staff, consumers, vendors and government.  Emilia was appointed to the role of Director Information, Data Integrity and Systems Governance in January 2020 before taking on the role of Executive Director Corporate Services in August 2021.


Chief Financial Officer Shaun Brooks.

Chief Financial Officer | Shaun Brooks

B. Commerce, Grad. Dip. Chartered Accounting 

Shaun has a Bachelor of Commerce and a Graduate Diploma of Chartered Accounting and has been a member of the BCH Executive team since 2017. Shaun held previous leadership positions in the financial professional services industry and has worked in the Victorian Public Health Sector for more than a decade. Shaun is also BCH’s Chief Procurement Officer and has responsibility for Supply, Contracts, Payroll, Asset Management and Finance.

Renee Kelsall

Chief Medical Officer | Dr Renee Kelsall

MBBS (Hons), FRACP, RACMA Candidate

Renee Kelsall graduated from Monash University with honours in 2007 and obtained her Fellowship in Geriatrics in 2015.
Renee worked at Monash Health as a Geriatrician, with roles including Deputy Clinical Lead of InReach, Geriatrician in the Falls and Balance Clinic, falls education across Monash Health, and providing assessments for rehabilitation and aged care.
Renee also returned to South Gippsland in 2015, where she was raised, to provide a private Geriatric outpatient service.
Renee was appointed as the Chief Medical Officer at Bass Coast Health in 2020 and completed an Associate Fellowship of Medical Administrators in 2021. 

Operations Director - Kirsten Weinzierl

Executive Director of Primary and Community Services | Kirsten Weinzierl

Reg Nurse, Post Grad Critical Care, Blood Transfusion and Clinical Simulation

Kirsten is a Registered Nurse with post graduate qualifications in Critical Care, Blood Transfusion and Clinical Simulation. Kirsten has been committed to the health care sector for more than 20 years, with experience in acute and community health care, clinical education and more recently, leadership roles at Bass Coast Health.

Sue Hunt AM

Executive Director Community Engagement and Philanthropy | Sue Hunt AM

Sue joined the Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) Foundation as CEO in 2010, and during her tenure annual revenues doubled, and the Corpus of funds increased three-fold.

Prior to this Sue was Founding Chief Executive Officer of contemporary arts space and arts business hub, CarriageWorks, Sydney (2006-2010); Director of Performing Arts for the Sydney Opera House (2003-06); Chief Executive Officer of the Queensland Theatre Company (1999-2003) and Chief Executive Officer of the Geelong Performing Arts Centre (1995-99). She is currently Chair of Regional Arts Victoria and Auspicious Arts Projects.

Sue holds a Bachelor of Arts from The University of Melbourne and has held a number of board memberships across a variety of arts and government organisations. She is an alumna of the Strategic Perspectives in Non Profit Management course at Harvard Business School, the AICD Company Directors’ Course, the Williamson Community Leadership Program, Leadership Victoria (1995) and the Harvard Club Fellowship Program. 

Sue commenced in her role of Executive Director of Community Engagement and Philanthropy at Bass Coast Health on 29 April 2024.