Procurement and Supply
About us
Our Procurement and Contracts functions provide guidance and oversight for all procurement activities undertaken by our health service, as well as being responsible for the sourcing of most goods and services purchased by Bass Coast Health.
Procurement Key Principles
The Bass Coast Health Procurement Policy is underpinned by key principles which aim to ensure that:
- We obtain goods and services that meet specification, are delivered on time at competitive prices from financially stable suppliers;
- We obtain best value for money based on whole of life cost;
- Procurement processes deliver probity and transparency;
- Risk is managed and minimised;
- Open and fair competition is encouraged based on transparent category management strategies;
- Consistent procedures are followed in accordance with our policies and comply with the HealthShare Victoria policies.
Gifts and Gratuities
To demonstrate our commitment to these key principles, Bass Coast Health has established a Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Policy which sets clear parameters and guidelines relating to the acceptance of gifts, rewards and other acknowledgements from suppliers, providers and other third parties which all Bass Coast Health employees must adhere to.
It is recommended that any supplier, provider or third party contemplating providing a gift, reward or acknowledgment of any nature to a Bass Coast Health employee or team familiarise themselves with our Gift and Gratuities policy beforehand.
In accordance with Victorian Public Sector Commission minimum standards, Bass Coast Health has adopted a totally transparent approach surrounding the acceptance of gifts and gratuities by our staff by publishing details of all gifts and gratuities received on Bass Coast Health's Gifts Register.
2023-2024 Gifts Register
2022-2023 Gifts Register
Upcoming Procurements
Annual Procurement Activity Plan 2024-25
We're looking to develop long term partnerships with suppliers that are adaptable and innovative, who take accountability, and who can help deliver real and lasting value.
To effectively and efficiently procure goods and services across the organisation to obtain the best value for money and economies of scale, Our Procurement Activity Plan is aligned to its priorities and strategies.
When sourcing goods and services from the market, we are committed to open, fair, and transparent sourcing processes. We will undertake sourcing activities in accordance with the Victorian Government’s Social Procurement Framework and is committed to supporting the principles of the framework.
This annual Procurement Activity Plan provides a summary of the major procurement activities in the non-salary area of organisational expenditure and provides potential suppliers advance knowledge of the likely procurements in this financial year.
The annual Procurement Activity Plan will be reviewed and updated as required, based on the best information available at the time of publication.
Catergory | Description | Contact Person |
Clinical Equipment | May to Sep 2024 Group 3 items for PI Community Hospital
May to Dec 2024 Group 3 items for PI Community Hospital
| Bella Pruysers |
Furniture, Fittings and Equipment | May to Dec 2024
| Bella Pruysers |
Professional Services |
| Sandra Creaner |
Professional Services |
| Shaun Brooks |
All planned procurement activities are subject to revision or cancellation. The information in this annual Procurement Activity Plan is provided for planning purposes only and it does not present a solicitation or constitute a request for proposal, nor is it a commitment by Bass Coast Health to purchase the described goods or services. There is no obligation to respond to or return any unsolicited bids received.
For further details of activities involving procurement activities coordinated by HealthShare Victoria visit their website
Useful Links
HealthShare Victoria |
Buying for Victoria |
Industry Capability Network |
GS1net |
NEHTA Website |
Bass Coast Health Terms and Conditions
Supplier Complaints
We aim to ensure that all procurement activities are conducted according to procedure in an open and fair manner, represent value for money and occur without bias, favour or prejudice.
All staff involved in procurement activities are governed by our Procurement Policy, and Code of Conduct to ensure fairness in our dealings with suppliers.
If you are a supplier and feel you have not been treated fairly in relation to a procurement activity undertaken by us, it is recommended that in the first instance, you attempt to resolve the issue through direct dialogue with the Bass Coast Health staff member responsible for the activity.
If the issue cannot be resolved through dialogue you can lodge a formal complaint which must be submitted in writing to the Chief Procurement Officer (CPO);
- by Letter to Chief Procurement Officer, Bass Coast Health, PO Box 120, Wonthaggi Vic 3995
- by e-mail to; or
The written complaint must set out:
- the basis for the complaint (specifying the issues involved);
- how the circumstances relating to the complaint (and the specific issues) affect you or your organisation;
- any relevant background information; and
- the expected corrective outcome.
The CPO will allocate the complaint to an authorised staff member, usually the Manager, Procurement & Contracts, to investigate the complaint or to any other authorised staff member as deemed necessary.
The CPO will ensure that any complaints received relating to a particular staff member are not investigated or responded to by that individual.
All complaints will be dealt with in a timely manner:
- Formal complaints will be acknowledged within 5 working days;
- In the majority of cases, investigation(s) are to be completed within 20 working days; and
- If the investigation is anticipated to take longer than 20 working days, the complainant will be notified of the likely response date.
The investigating officer may throughout the course of their investigation, be required to meet or make contact with you to either clarify any issues of seek further information.
Once the investigation is complete any corrective action required will be brought to the attention of Executive Management where appropriate action (s) will be undertaken to prevent future occurrences which may result in similar complaints.
Upon completion of the investigation and in consultation with the CPO, you will be notified of the outcome in writing.
If the complaint cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of both parties, we will notify HealthShare Victoria (HSV) within five working days that the complaint could not be resolved and will advise you that:
- the matter can be referred to the Board of HealthShare Victoria (HSV) for their review at the following address;
The Chair - HSV Board - HealthShare Victoria
Level 34, Casselden
2 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne Victoria 3000
- you have 10 days from the date of receipt of notification of the findings by us to lodge your complaint with HSV; and
- complainants are required to provide the following documentation to HSV:
- evidence that we did not correctly apply HSV Health Purchasing Policies in relation to a procurement activity;
- evidence that our complaints management procedures were not applied correctly; and
- a copy of all relevant correspondence between the complainant and Bass Coast Health in relation to the nature of the complaint.
- provide any additional material requested by the HSV Board to assist in its findings.
Bass Coast Health will maintain a record of all complaints received relating to any procurement activity indicating whether the complaint was;
- resolved:
- is still under investigation; or
- could not be resolved.
This information will be included in Bass Coast Health’s annual report.