Rights and Responsibilities
Consumer Rights & Responsibilities
You have the right to:
- Physical access to all Bass Coast Health services
- Easy to understand information from us regarding allocation of appointments/services and waiting times
- An explanation of services provided, including eligibility requirements and costs
- Make compliments, complaints or raise concerns in regard to services provided without prejudice
- Privacy and confidentiality and it will be respected at all times
- To ask questions, discuss service and treatment options and decisions
- Have a carer, family member or friend can be present during consultation
- Appropriate handling, storage and management of your health information
- Access your health information as per relevant legislation - ask your service provider about the process
- Have your needs and enquiries treated with understanding and respect
- Be free from abuse, neglect, violence and preventable injury
You have a responsibility to:
- Be honest and open in providing information about your health and to ask questions about your care
- Respect the dignity and worth of service providers
- Respect the privacy of others attending Bass Coast Health
- Keep appointments and/or if unable to keep an appointment, to notify Bass Coast Health as soon as possible
- Be actively involved in your own treatment, rehabilitation and healthcare
- Speak up and ask questions in regard to services and your treatment if you do not understand
- Acknowledge the consequences of your decision if declining advice, information or treatment offered by a healthcare worker
- Respect any agreement made between you and your healthcare worker
- Treat Bass Coast Health staff and others with courtesy and respect
Charter of Healthcare Rights
Bass Coast Health acts in accordance with the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights. This includes people using public and private hospitals, GP clinics, medical specialists, disability services, mental health services, community health centres and allied health providers such as psychologists, dentists, and occupational therapists.

Further information is available at: http://www.safetyandquality.gov.au/
Auslan and Animated Videos of the Charter of Healthcare Rights
Videos of the Charter of Healthcare Rights can be found by clicking the below link.