Health service recognises our diverse staff and community on IDAHOBIT


Bass Coast Health was proud to support IDAHOBIT – the International Day Against LGBTIQA+*
Discrimination – in May.

IDAHOBIT is a day to grow visibility, educate on inclusion, and celebrate our Rainbow Community and

The date marks the anniversary of the World Health Organisation removing homosexuality from the
Classification of Diseases and Related Health problems.

As has become a Bass Coast Health tradition, rainbow cakes were delivered to staff. They also shared
in a pre-recorded presentation by a keynote speaker about IDAHOBIT, LGBTQIA+ terms and
identities, statistics and barriers facing LGBTQIA+ people, and tips for supporting friends, colleagues
and clients in the workplace.

“We are a diverse workplace and service a diverse community, and that’s why we are proud to take
part in IDAHOBIT,” BCH CEO Jan Child said.

“It’s important that we recognise the value and benefits of a diverse workplace and ensure that all of
our staff and consumers feel respected within our employ and within our care.”

*LGBTIQA+ stands for people that identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual, Queer, Asexual and
other identities such gender fluid.