
Bass Coast Health is proud to pay tribute to the hard work, skill and dedication of our Nurses on International Nurses’ Day, 12 May. Our Nursing team are wonderfully diverse...
Bass Coast Health (BCH) Board of Directors, CEO, Executives and Staff truly value our wonderful Volunteer Team. We thank our Volunteers every day for their dedication which helps our community...
Bass Coast Health (BCH) has invested in new clinical handsets that are integral to the operation of a safe and sophisticated sub-regional health service. The handsets are used by medical...
Bass Coast Health is proud to celebrate our valuable Midwives on International Midwives Day, Friday 5 May. Our Midwives offer care to families during the ante-natal, birth, post-natal and early...
Bass Coast Health (BCH) staff have been able to optimise their stroke-response through a key partnership with the Victorian Stroke Telemedicine (VST) network. Stroke occurs when blood cannot get to...
The talented team at Bass Coast Health (BCH) has invented a new, nutritious ice-cream for patients and aged care residents on modified diets. The achievement is unique for a health...
Ryan Nestoriwsky is living his dream life. The Theatre Technician at Bass Coast Health (BCH) loves his job and his team, and loves working with the extensive array of surgical...
A specialist chair will make life easier for residents and staff at Bass Coast Health’s (BCH) aged care facility at San Remo, Griffiths Point Lodge. The chair was purchased by...
From a Graduate Nurse to Nurse Unit Manager, Cat Bunn’s journey at Bass Coast Health (BCH) reflects the career opportunities available at Bass Coast Health. Cat has been appointed Nurse...
Clients of Bass Coast Health’s (BCH) Alcohol and Other Drugs Counselling Service in need of emergency relief will benefit from a donation by the Wonthaggi RSL Sub-branch. The RSL donated...
Bass Coast Health (BCH) is now hosting the Big Red Kidney Bus mobile dialysis unit at Wonthaggi Hospital to provide haemodialysis to visitors to the Bass Coast. The service by...
More people are pursuing fulfilling careers at Bass Coast Health (BCH) thanks to the Bass Coast Country Universities Centre (CUC). The Wonthaggi-based centre is a study space where students are...
Bass Coast Health (BCH) is supporting Nurses at the early stages of their careers by appointing a team of Novice Workforce Clinical Development Nurses as part of our Learning and...
The community of Phillip Island is closer to having access to a greater range of medical services at Cowes. The multi-million dollar Phillip Island Community Hospital is gaining pace, with...
Bass Coast Health (BCH) is hosting two Pharmacy Interns as part of a state-wide program to train qualified professionals for the future. The Interns, Jade Edwards and Marlene Do, are...
A ward at Wonthaggi Hospital is providing life-sustaining care to 21 patients from across Bass Coast every week, saving them the time, energy and money of travelling to dialysis services...
Bass Coast Health (BCH) has strengthened its dedication to placing mothers and families at the centre of the birthing process by appointing Relle McMillin to lead the health service’s Maternity...
Bass Coast Health (BCH) has welcomed the 2023 intake of Graduate Nurses who are fresh from completing their tertiary training. The Graduates will undertake a 12-month Graduate Year Program at...
Patients and visitors to Bass Coast Health (BCH) can expect to see new faces on staff after the sub-regional health service welcomed Junior Doctors to its medical team. The doctors...
If you would like to build more social connections in the community, then the Social Support Group run by Bass Coast Health (BCH) may appeal to you. Our group offers...